I’ve been so busy. I’m trying to get it all together to finish out the school year for my students. For my Algebra 2 kids, all they have left is their final exam. For my Algebra 1 kids, they have one more section to cover and a test. I have to complete my “end of the year” list before I can “check out” on May 26.
I’ve also started packing for our trip to Europe. I still have a lot to do including getting all the “stuff” for motor homing together as well as all of our clothes and electronic paraphernalia.
I’m not sure how much stuff to take right now. I definitely don’t want to take too much, but I don’t want to have to buy too much stuff in Europe once we get there.
We leave in 12 days. So little time and I thought I’d been planning this for about 1 1/2 years. Keep checking back for our updates while we are on the road.